El nuevo disco de Anti-Venöm ya está disponible para descarga gratuita en MP3 y WAV a través del netlabel y próximamente saldrá en CD. 22 tracks pertenecientes a los EPs Planet of the Apes, Part II: Generic y Tr e s con colaboraciones de Night Gaunts, From The Cradle To The Rave, The Stupid Stupid Henchmen, entre otros, y un nuevo track llamado Always Remember to Smile, la primer canción de la banda en dos años.
Información del disco y streaming: http://www.nacionlibre.net/album/anti-venom-hollows-the-ep-and-single-collection
Descarga Directa (mp3): http://www.nacionlibre.net/download/mp3/NXL111
Anti-Venöm's new album is out now for free download in MP3 and WAV through the netlabel and soon will be released on CD. 22 sick tracks from their EPs Planet of the Apes, Part II: Generic and Tr e s, including collabs with Night Gaunts, From The Cradle To The Rave, The Stupid Stupid Henchmen and more, and also a new sick track called Always Remember to Smile, their first song in two years.
Info page & streaming: http://www.nacionlibre.net/album/anti-venom-hollows-the-ep-and-single-collection
Direct Download (mp3): http://www.nacionlibre.net/download/mp3/NXL111